Beau received a miracle job at the end of 2008 to organize a situation for a 7 year old boy who was moving to Tiruvannamalai to have horse riding lessons. She explained to his family that there was no horse riding school, or horses at all, in Tiru. But she had another idea.
I decided to become part of her plan, and help her find chose and buy two very nice horses for this boy and his family. She also had to design a whole stable for them and is now fully responsible for the care tacking of Takoda and Majura.

Beau and I live in Tiru, and day in and out spend our hours with the horses.
We go on bareback rides, spend hours designing our own tack (there are no horse shops in India!) and we also had the idea of a huge trekking Journey, to ride to Auroville from Tiruvannamalai, and back.
This was a big dream that we both have had for a long time; have two nice horses and go ion a big trek. We were fully intent on this journey, and almost fully ready. We did test rides, rode on random roads for hours into the sunset with all the equipment we needed to spend a night away from home, and had amazing journeys and learned a lot.
Just recently we decided it best that we save this big adventure for another time, we realized it would be to stressful for us, and also the horses, seeing as we would be leaving to Europe soon. There just wasn’t enough time to do it right.
But all the adventures and things we experienced in preparation for the journey where not in vain, I have learned so much about horses in the last 2 months, I am very amazed with myself!
I am very grateful for this opportunity to be spending some much time with these great teachers, Majura and Takoda And especially for all the fun and learning, laughing and snoring (going to late to bed before a 4 a clock wake up in the hour morning before a long morning ride), and all in all, great times, with a wonderful friend! (That’s you Beau!! ) 😀
Kisses to the Universe, Isa

50000 % in agreement with this post!!
Ann-Charlotte Stewart
Me too!! 🙂